IWMA Submissions & Reports

IWMA SubmissionsSubmission DatePDF file
IWMA Submission to DECC on Draft End of Waste Legislation11th Oct. 2024View/Download
IWMA written submission to Joint Oireachtas Committee on Environment and Climate Action29th Aug. 2024View/Download
KPMG Report on The Cost of Re-Municipalisation of Household Waste Collection in IrelandJan. 2024View/Download
Eunomia Report on Benchmarking Ireland versus Best Recycling CountriesNov. 2023View/Download
SLR Report on Planning Timelines in the Waste Sector in Ireland10th Oct. 2023View/Download
SLR Life Cycle Assessment of Brown Bin Roll-out to Rural Areas15th Sep. 2023View/Download
IWMA Submission to Regional Planning Offices on Draft National Waste Management Plan30th Jun. 2023View/Download
IWMA Submission to DECC on Draft Food Waste & Biowaste Amendment Regulations9th Jun. 2023View/Download
IWMA Submission to NWCPO on Commercial Waste Collection Permit Amendments9th Jun. 2023View/Download
IWMA Submission to DECC on Draft Waste Recovery Levy Regulations28th May 2023View/Download
IWMA Submission to NTFSO on Auto Batteries & WTF1st Mar. 2023View/Download
SLR Report on Waste Treatment Capacity in Ireland1st Nov. 2022View/Download
IWMA Submission to the EPA on National By-Product System for Soil & Stones30th Sep. 2022View/Download
SLR Report on Timelines for Licensing Waste facilities19th Oct. 2021View/Download
IWMA Submission to DECC on Circular Economy Bill13th Oct. 2021View/Download
IWMA Commissioned Report on Digital DRS Trial in Dublin29th Sep. 2021View/Download
IWMA Submission to DECC on Consumer Protection Measures22nd Sep. 2021View/Download
IWMA Submission to EPA on National Hazardous Waste Management Plan14th Sep. 2021View/Download
IWMA Submission to DECC on Circular Economy Strategy 11th Jun. 2021View/Download
IWMA Submission to EPA on C&D waste management plan guidance 1st Jun. 2021View/Download
IWMA Submission to Climate Action Plan Consultation 10th May 2021View/Download
IWMA Submission to DECC on Deposit Return Systems Consultation 6th May 2021View/Download
SLR Carbon Assessment on Digital DRS v return to retail conventional DRS6th May 2021View/Download
IWMA submission to regional planners on National Waste Management Plan Consultation6th May 2021View/Download
IWMA submission to DETE on Statutory Sick Pay18th Dec. 2020View/Download
IWMA Submission to DCCAE on Deposit Refund Systems12th Nov. 2020View/Download
IWMA Submission to EPA on Article 28 End of Waste23rd Jun. 2020View/Download
IWMA Submission to EPA on Article 27 By-Products 23rd Jun. 2020View/Download
IWMA submission to CRU on SEM-20-028 - Implementation of Regulation 2019/943 in relation to Dispatch and Redispatch22nd Jun. 2020View/Download
IWMA Submission to DCCAE on Draft Waste Action Plan Consultation21st Feb. 2020View/Download
IWMA Recommendations on Waste Policy Priorities for Government 202017th Feb. 2020View/Download
SLR Report on Likely Impact of Deposit & Refund Scheme on Waste Management in Ireland24th Jan. 2020View/Download
IWMA Submission to DCCAE on Environmental Levies20th Dec. 2019View/Download
IWMA Submission to DCCAE on Commercial Waste Recycling10th Sep. 2019View/Download
Submission to EPA on Compliance and Enforcement Policy31st May 2019View/Download
IWMA Submission to Eunomia on Deposit & Refund Systems20th May 2019View/Download
IWMA Submission to DCCAE on Apartment and Commercial Waste Recycling2nd May 2019View/Download
IWMA Submission to NWCPO on Proposed new permit conditions26th Apr. 2019View/Download
IWMA Submission to Arcadis re. End of Waste and By-Products Study22nd Mar. 2019View/Download
IWMA Submission to EPA on Odour Emissions Draft Guidance AG91st Feb. 2019View/Download
IWMA Recommendations on Waste Policy 201924th Jan. 2019View/Download
IWMA Submission to EPA on Article 27 Soil and Stones By-Products Consultation13th Dec. 2018View/Download
IWMA Critique of CCPC Report on the Operation of the Household Waste Collection Market19th Nov. 2018View/Download
IWMA Submission to REPAK Plastics Packaging Strategy10th Aug. 2018View/Download
IWMA Report on Benchmarking of Household Waste Collection Costs in Europe13th Jun. 2018View/Download
IWMA Submission to NWCPO on Monthly Reporting7th Jun. 2018View/Download
IWMA Submission to EPA on Soil Recovery Waste Acceptance Criteria16th Mar. 2018View/Download
IWMA Submission to CCPC on household waste collection consultation1st Mar. 2018View/Download
IWMA Submission to DCCAE on Universal Brown Bin Roll-Out28th Feb. 2018View/Download
IWMA Submission to NTFSO on Green List Contamination Thresholds 28th Feb. 2018View/Download
IWMA Submission to DCCAE on Facility Permit & COR Limits26th Jan. 2018View/Download
IWMA Submission to DHPCLG on Ireland 204010th Nov. 2017View/Download
IWMA Submission to DCCAE on Renewable Electricity Support Scheme10th Nov. 2017View/Download
IWMA Submission to Department of the Taoiseach on the Bioeconomy15th Sep. 2017View/Download
IWMA Submission on Renewable Heat Incentive3rd Mar. 2017View/Download
IWMA Submission on Draft Waste Facility Siting Guidelines11th Jan. 2017View/Download
IWMA Letter to DCCAE on PTU Enforcement2nd Nov. 2016View/Download
IWMA Submission to DCCAE on Aarhus Convention27th Oct. 2016View/Download
IWMA submission to NWCPO on new waste collection permit conditions21st Jul. 2016View/Download
IWMA Submission to CA Solutions re. Driver Safety15th Apr. 2016View/Download
IWMA Submission to DECLG on Resource Opportunity Consultation29th Feb. 2016View/Download
IWMA Submission to DECLG on EU Commission Factsheet16th Dec. 2015View/Download
IWMA Submission to DECLG on Draft Waste Collection Permit Regulations10th Dec. 2015View/Download
IWMA Presentation to Irish Waste Conference25th Nov. 2015View/Download
IWMA Submission to EPA on 2016 to 2020 Strategy23rd Oct. 2015View/Download
IWMA Submission to EPA on Public Access to Enforcement Files25th Sept. 2015View/Download
IWMA Submission to DCENR on RESs and RHIs18th Sept. 2015View/Download
IWMA Submission to EPA on Better Regulation8th Apr. 2015View/Download
IWMA Submission to DECLG on Enforcement3rd Mar. 2015View/Download
IWMA Submission to Eastern Midlands Draft Plan30th Jan. 2015View/Download
IWMA Submission to Southern Draft Plan30th Jan. 2015View/Download
IWMA Submission to Connaught Ulster Draft Plan30th Jan. 2015View/Download
IWMA submission to NWCPO re Waste Permit Conditions19th Dec. 2014View/Download
IWMA Submission to EPA on Financial Provisions6th Nov. 2014View/Download
IWMA submission to DECLG re EU Waste Package20th Oct. 2014View/Download
IWMA submission to EPA on Healthcare Waste19th Sept. 2014View/Download
Letter to EPA on EWC Codes17 & 191st Aug. 2014View/Download
IWMA submission Eastern-Midlands RWMP3rd Jul. 2014View/Download
IWMA submission Southern RWMP Scoping3rd Jul. 2014View/Download
IWMA submission Connaught-Ulster RWMP Scoping Report3rd Jul. 2014View/Download
IWMA RPT for Waste Forum26th Mar. 2014View/Download
Household Waste Collection Consultation30th Jan. 2014View/Download
IWMA submission on NHWMP20th Dec. 2013View/Download
IWMA submission Eastern-Midlands RWMP19th Dec. 2013View/Download
IWMA submission Connaught-Ulster RWMP19th Dec. 2013View/Download
IWMA submission Southern RWMP19th Dec. 2013View/Download
IWMA Final Submission on WEEE Directive13th Nov. 2013View/Download
IWMA Submission on Household Waste Market Consultation 1st Sep. 2011View/Download
Proposed National Hazardous Waste Management Plan Consultation31st Jan 2008View/Download
Economic Instruments to promote Composting of MSW (Background Position paper)8th Mar. 2007View/Download
Proposed variation of the Waste Management Plan for the Dublin Region19th Nov. 2007View/Download
Review of waste collection permits in the Dublin region (Comment to Dublin City Council)16th Mar. 2007View/Download
Further Regulation in the Waste Sector (Article Irish Planning and Environmental Law Journal)2006View/Download
Further Regulation in the Waste Sector (Presentation Sunday Business Post Conference)27th Nov. 2006View/Download
DEHLG Consultation Paper Regulation of the Waste Management SectorOctober 2006View/Download
Better Regulations Forum SubmissionJune 2006View/Download
Core Policy Statement Effective Waste Management, A Waste Management Industry Policy ResponseApril 2003View/Download